Já vos tinha anteriormente falado de um grande amigo Sir Wilmott, na foto, que infelizmente já partiu e deixou inconsoláveis os seus donos e o amigo de folguedos "Bond" e me deixou a mim fiel depositário de 2 histórias, se assim lhes podemos chamar. Uma delas, "Dog's Plea", já tive o prazer de partilhar convosco no Club das "Múltiplas Rimas" . A que se segue tem um fino humor Inglês, país de origem de Sir Wilmott. E como o meu senso de humor é também apurado, aí vai a dita "história", para gáudio dos nossos amigos gatinhos. Espero que gostem.
How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?
Golden Retriever - The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us and you're inside worrying about that stupid burned out bulb.
Border Collie - Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code and repaint the wall where you scuffed it in the dark, before moving on to the plumbing.
Dachshund - You know I can't reach that lamp!
Boxer - Who cares? I can play with my squeaky toy in the dark.
Labrador - Oh, me, me!!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeze, please, please, please pick me!
German Shepherd - I'll change it as soon as I've led everyone from the dark room, made sure no one was hurt, checked to make sure I haven't missed any, and made one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the dark situation.
Jack Russell - I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.
Old English Sheep Dog - Light bulb? I don't see a light bulb, I don't see a lamp. Where am I? Where are you?
Cocker Spaniel - Why change it? If I pee on the carpet in the dark, I won't get caught till you step in it.
Chihuahua - Yo quiero Taco Bulb.
Pointer - I see it, there it is, there it is ..... right there......
Greyhound - It isn't moving..... Who cares?
Australian Shepherd - First, let me put all the light bulbs in a little circle.
Poodle - I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.
THE PARROT - Shhhh! Now that it's dark, it’s my nap time.
I hope you have fun....
hihihi, Lindo Suti adorei. xuxa
Adorei!!!Muito engraçado e verdadeiro.Eu não vivo sem o meu staff:).César
Muito bom!!!! Se fosse a minha Emmy, olhava para mim com aqueles olhitos e dizia-me: "You change it! I don't have any time!".
Fantástica! Mas penso, e acho que não estou errada, que eu olharia para a minha querida dona e diria"Não é nada comigo!" e virava calmamente as costas. Afinal, (também não sei lá muito bem como, ainda que ela já me tenha tentado explicar...) os Huskys têm uma "costela de gato"! Sem dúvida! Luna
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